Tuesday, July 11, 2006

International community should be watch ful on Nepal : Advocate Tripathi

Peace Brigade International (PBI), which is committed for global peace and human rights, celebrated its 25th anniversary in Washington, DC . To mark its anniversary it organizes a conference to discuss the peace process of several countries.

On the occasion Advocate Dinesh Tripathi, was invited to speak on “ People power in Nepal. “ Advocate Dinesh Tripathi said April revolution of Nepal is the finest example of the supremacy of the people power. People of Nepal have shown their courage and fearlessness on the face of huge political repression. People of Nepal had defeated naked and brutal military power by non-violent means. World community should learned from Nepali people that people’s courage and determination can make huge difference and even ruthless military power can be defeated by determined non-violent movement of people and peoples are ultimate master of their fate. People of Nepal are aspiring for full and genuine democracy.

Advocate Tripathi told "People want to make constitution by themselves in Nepal. They are aspiring for a new a constitution, which ensure full sovereignty of people, guarantee all the rights and liberty, and fully empower them. People of Nepal are aspiring for a republican democratic model. Monarchy had always betrayed the Nepali people and always stolen and undermine the rights, liberty and sovereignty of people. Now proven fact of history is that monarchy and democracy cannot go together in Nepal. So Nepal must adopt a republican democratic model. There was massive violation of human rights in king’s regime. "

"Now Nepal has to consolidate the gain of April revolution. People’s sovereignty has still not established in Nepal. King is down but not out. There is still a dominance of military in politics in Nepal. Nepal must ratified Rome statute for International Criminal Court. Impunity should not be allowed at any cost. Establishment of Human rights, genuine, participatory and inclusive democracy is the basis of the lasting peace. Without addressing the problem of exclusion, exploitation and socio-economic margialization lasting peace cannot established. Nepal need to established a just and fair socio-economic order. This is a defining moment in the history of Nepal. Through the April movement people had established their supremacy. But gain made by April movement need to be made institutionalize" he added .

He told futher that Massive Conspiracy is going on to subvert and reversed the democratic gain made by April movement. So people need to be vigilant all the time. International community must be a watchful toward Nepal’s democratizing process and must support the establishment of genuine, full and republican democratic set-up in Nepal.

Large number of human rights and peace activist were participated in the program. Peace process of Columbia, Guatemala, Srilanka, Palestine and Iraq were discussed in the program.

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